Wednesday, October 25, 2006

National Novel Writing Month

Well, what the hey. I will give it a try.

Soon we will be panking down the snow. Some in the yard now.

The downstate house is sold. I just drove a Uhaul truck the 580 miles from Detroit to bring one load of several up here. Now I need a place to put it all.

I will be moving my writing studio down from the 3rd floor of the Vertin Building to the 2nd. The upper floors will be closed off for the winter to save on heating costs.

I should have enough money now to publish the two chapbooks of poetry that I have owed a couple of authors for awhile now.

a short poem.


if you peeled away
the layers of his heart
you would find
only a blind stone
at the center

peace, all


Blogger Pris said...

I like that. Peace to you, too.

and here's The Mountain Goats live in San Fransciso with a nice one on youtube.(thanks for the tip)

12:11 PM  

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