Monday, December 12, 2005

Late December an Old Man Walks to the Bar

Late December an Old Man Walks to the Bar

it is hard to believe in spring in December with snow falling

all day and collecting against building, trees, and old fences

debts of autumn are hidden: debris of unraked leaves, paper, even

the dog’s house are buried beneath the bitter beauty of snow

it is a time to be lonely, walking to the bar, bundled in layers

of flannel and down with beard, mustache, eyebrows frozen

behind, footprints disappear, ahead, no hint of the future

disturbed by these thoughts a raven shakes snow down

at home the quilt lies folded neatly at the foot of the bed

the flowers have withered and coffee cools in the cup


Blogger tom said...

there are some things here i don't like - for one it didn't format correctly - it should be couplets with space between - also it seems to need more puncuation -

and it seems a bit contrived - probably should just take it down - but heck, nobody reads here anyway -so for now it will stay - maybe i can salvage it yet.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Pris said...

I read it, but couldn't understand the insertions. I'm seeing [if ! supportEmptyParas][endif] scattered throughout the poem. Help?

6:56 PM  
Blogger tom said...

that is weird - when i look at it it is fine - but when i tried to link to it on the show original post link on this comments page - it showed up as you said

i don't know -- did any of the other posts look that way?

2:50 PM  
Blogger Pris said...

This is the only one like that down this page. That IS odd.

Sorry I was a bit getting back to you.

4:09 AM  

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